Wolverine Figure (tsufuk)
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Mustelidae Subfamily: Mustelinae
Genus: Gulo
Species: Gulo gulo
The Wolverine is a tremendous character…. a personality of unmeasured force, courage, and achievement so enveloped in a mist of legend, superstition, idolatry, fear, and hatred, that one scarcely knows how to begin or what to accept as fact. Picture a Weasel—and most of us can do that, for we have met that little demon of destruction, that small atom of insensate courage, that symbol of slaughter, sleeplessness, and tireless, incredible activity—picture that scrap of demoniac fury, multiply that mite some fifty times, and you have the likeness of a Wolverine.
Wolverines have a Holarctic distribution, from Scandinavia through eastern Europe, Russia, and Siberia to Alaska, Canada, and the western United States (Sleeper 1995). While the Mustelidae have a cosmopolitan distribution, Gulo can be found only in the Holarctic region. Prior to the final break between Alaska and Siberia 13,000 to 14,000 years ago, cold-tolerant Gulo gulo moved freely between North America and Eurasia (Cox and Moore 2000). Wolverines are stenotopic animals, extremely sensitive to--and intolerant of--a number of environmental factors (Verts 1998; Hornocker and Hash 1991).
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